(let's) do it / Exhibition Catalogue
In collaboration with Independent Curators International

Details of publication:
First edition of 100 copies published by NuMu, Guatemala City, September, 2015.
This first edition was published as part of the exhibition (let’s) do it, presented in NuMu, Guatemala City, from August 8 to November 15, 2015.
Digital printing by Print Studio.
Design and concept: NuMu with the support of Lucía Menéndez and Felipe Mujica.
Fonts used: Lucida Grande, Lucida Grande Bold, Helvetica Light and Chalkduster
Paper: Brights series, 176 g, bond 80 g and texcote 12.
We thank:
Maria del Carmen Carrión, Alaina Claire Feldman and Heather Jones for their trust and support in the realization of (let’s) do it.
Esperanza de León, Flor de María Yoque, Gandhi Ponce and Verónica López Guillén for their generosity and enthusiasm in guiding their student's participation in this exhibition.
The warmth and ongoing support of Friends of NuMu, Moi and Mila Benchoam, Kristy and Dario Castillo, Dinora Cruz Ortega, Jorge De León, Akira Ikezoe, Miriam de Kairé, Alfredo Méndez Moralez, Lucía Menéndez, Salma Tuqan, La K-fe de Benjamín and Centro Comercial Plaza del Rey.