Friends of NuMu
On July 17, 2012, we organized a gathering with people who, like us, strongly believed in the need to create a museum that could be exclusively dedicated to the exhibition, documentation, exchange and education of contemporary art in Guatemala.
Today, these people represent Friends of NuMu, and it is thanks to their generous support that NuMu stays open to the public, with free admission, 24 hours a day almost every day of the year.
The support of Amigos del NuMu is pivotal to sustaining our ambitious and innovative program of artists commissions, participatory projects, workshops, talks and events. As an artist-led project, operating in a country where contemporary culture receives very little governmental support, NuMu is entirely reliant on the generous support of individuals and organizations.
We hope that those who appreciate our support for artists and curators, and the opportunities we offer the wider public to engage with art, will choose to contribute to Amigos del NuMu. Your donation will enable us to continue supporting the production of ambitious contemporary art projects, and will ensure artistic exchange between Guatemalan and international artists and curators.
We develop a close and reciprocal relationship with all of our supporters, offering them a range of creative benefits while enabling us to grow and increase the opportunities we offer to artists and the wider public.
We thank our supporters for their loyalty and enthusiasm, and look forward to working with new friends as we build for the future.

If you would like to learn more about Friends of NuMu
please write to us at: